The Williams County Sheriff's Office utilize the following system for its ranks and civil service titles for Law Enforcement Operations.
Rank Image
Rank (Abbreviation)
Description of Rank, Eligibility, and Civil Service Title as Appropriate
Shield Example
Sheriff (N/A)
The position and rank of sheriff is by election according to the laws and charter of Williams County. Each term of Sheriff is four years, and there are currently no term limits. Per County Law, executive leadership is required within a mid to large-sized law enforcement agency, and no residency requirement unless elected. An elected sheriff must relocate within the county limits within ninety days of the election being confirmed. An employee of WCSO may run for sheriff, retain their civil service position/title, continue to earn toward retirement, and accrue time in service while serving as Sheriff.
Undersheriff (N/A)
The Sheriff appoints the position and rank of Assistant Chief Deputy through Undersheriff, but per county law, requires executive leadership experience in law enforcement before an appointment. Personnel holding these roles must relocate within county limits within ninety days of appointment. They serve at the sheriff’s pleasure and is exempt from civil service law. The executive leadership must be reappointed at each term the sheriff is elected, even if the sheriff is the incumbent continuing service. An employee of WCSO appointed to these ranks retains their civil service position/title, continues to earn toward retirement, and accrues time in service while serving as a WCSO Executive Leadership team member.
Chief Deputy (CD)
The Sheriff appoints the position and rank of Assistant Chief Deputy through Undersheriff, but per county law, requires executive leadership experience in law enforcement before an appointment. Personnel holding these roles must relocate within county limits within ninety days of appointment. They serve at the sheriff’s pleasure and is exempt from civil service law. The executive leadership must be reappointed at each term the sheriff is elected, even if the sheriff is the incumbent continuing service. An employee of WCSO appointed to these ranks retains their civil service position/title, continues to earn toward retirement, and accrues time in service while serving as a WCSO Executive Leadership team member.
Assistant Chief Deputy (ACD)
The Sheriff appoints the position and rank of Assistant Chief Deputy through Undersheriff, but per county law, requires executive leadership experience in law enforcement before an appointment. Personnel holding these roles must relocate within county limits within ninety days of appointment. They serve at the sheriff’s pleasure and is exempt from civil service law. The executive leadership must be reappointed at each term the sheriff is elected, even if the sheriff is the incumbent continuing service. An employee of WCSO appointed to these ranks retains their civil service position/title, continues to earn toward retirement, and accrues time in service while serving as a WCSO Executive Leadership team member.
Captain (CAPT)
Captains are assigned to supervise divisions and units of the department under the relevant division chief. The Captains also rotate within a shift rotation to serve as the overall commander of department operations known as the “300”. They work in 24-hour shifts both in the field and on call to represent the executive leadership on all matters and respond to high-profile and major incidents within the county. Promotion to the rank of Captain requires a civil service exam, which requires two years at the rank of Lieutenant (including the probationary period).
Lieutenant (LT)
Lieutenants are assigned to supervise divisions and units of the department under the relevant division chief. The Lieutenants also rotate within a shift rotation to serve as the overall commander of department operations known as the “300”. They work in 24-hour shifts both in the field and on call to represent the executive leadership on all matters and respond to high-profile and major incidents within the county. Promotion to the rank of Lieutenant requires a civil service exam, which requires three years at the rank of Sergeant (including the probationary period).
Sergeant (SGT)
This rank is currently being revised by the staff.
Corporal (CPL)
This role is at the discretion of the department’s command. It is considered a pay grade, not a civil service position. While issued with rank insignia and a shield representing the rank, they may also be returned to the rank of Deputy III at the discretion of command. All Corporals are responsible for Field Training duties and will be the first assigned a trainee. Corporals assist the sergeants in supervisory duties and can act as supervisors when staffing demands. They often take command of incidents requiring the response of multiple units and help coordinate their assigned patrol division.
Current staffing places a sergeant over patrol and investigative operations, with a corporal assigned to each Patrol Division to help oversee the subordinate sectors.
Civil Service position(s): Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff (Bilingual)
Investigator (INV)
This rank is currently being revised by the staff.
Upon completing three years of service at the rank of Deputy II (four years of service within the department) a deputy is eligible for the rank of Deputy III. Upon promotion to Deputy III deputies become eligible for promotion to Corporal, Investigator, or membership in special teams and additional responsibilities. A member may be elevated to Deputy III early based on an advanced hiring agreement or at the command’s discretion on merit.
Civil Service position(s): Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff (Bilingual), Deputy Sheriff (Lateral Transfer/Advanced Standing)
Deputy II (DEPII)
Upon completion of the field training and one-year minimum probation, Deputy Is are automatically promoted to the rank of Deputy II.
Civil Service position(s): Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff (Bilingual), Deputy Sheriff (Lateral Transfer/Advanced Standing)
Deputy I (DEPI)
Any deputy hired via civil service who is hired as a new member of law enforcement or via lateral transfer will be assigned the rank of Deputy I for the term of their required training. Members in their field training will remain in the position of Deputy I during their field training and through the conclusion of their first year of employment per the probationary period. Members hired as a lateral transfer may be elevated quicker to higher rank per their contract on hiring but will still be subject to a full year probation.
Civil Service position(s): Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff (Bilingual), Deputy Sheriff (Lateral Transfer/Advanced Standing), Deputy Sheriff (Promotion)
*Deputy Sheriff (Lateral Transfer/Advanced Standing) and Deputy Sheriff (Promotion) civil service titles combine into standardized titles at DEPII and DEPIII respectively.