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Welcome to Williams County Sherrif's Office Collaborative Writing Group

The Williams County Sherrif's Office (WCSO), was created in 2018 with the creation of Williams County, North Carolina. Williams County was created due to the financial shortcomings of both the Currituck and Dare counties, and the State and Federal governments pushing them to consolidate into a single government. Not only did both the state and federal governments push for this consolidation, they helped fund it by offering grants and other financial incentives for this new county. The new tax base for this larger county, allows the county to provide increased services at a lower cost to residents than Currituck or Dare could do independently.

The current Sheriff of WCSO, R. Thomas Durland, is a long-time member of law enforcement. Beginning his career with the New York State Police and eventually joining federal law enforcement. Sheriff Durland retired to Currituck County just as the campaign to combine Dare and Currituck into the same county started, and he immediately became politically active. Durland has served as Sheriff of Williams County since the county's incorporation in 2018. This will mark the start of his second, four-year term.

The WCSO is a Collaborative Writing Group, based on the department's day-to-day operations. This group will be focusing on the Alpha Platoon as they move through their day serving as front-line patrol deputies, investigators, and more. As WCSO grows in membership, more roles will become available. Specifically, specialized and supervisory roles within the Sherrif's Office and the ability to write as part of the Williams County Emergency Medical Services.

WCSO requires all members to be eighteen years of age and be a part of our discord server. WCSO is a realistic collaboration that centers on a law enforcement agency that strives to be at the forefront of law enforcement experience and policy-wise to serve the residents and guests of Williams County.

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